Is this fair or democratic?

I beleive that this is a fair and democratic way to pass bills to become laws, however, the fact that at the moment if the government wants to pass a bill, they have more seats than the oposition, minor parties and independants combined, meaning that it immediately goes through. I don’t believe that this is entirely fair as the other members of parliamnet don’t get as much of an opinion.

I don’t believe that there is much of this that can be improved as it already runs smothly and is mostly a fair way that the government passes bills. If it were to be improved a way that this could work is if each party had a single vote which they would decide how they voted as a group. This would mean that the independants and minor parties votes would mean more as the number of seats that labor has at the moment immediately outweighs the rest of parliament.

The two main parties, the coalition and labor do not get left out, however, minor parties or independants have less of a say as their parties are smaller than the main two. This means that parties would benefit more from the independants and minor parties if their seats were closer to equal.

Sometimes the government is doing their best for the people of australia, other times I’m not sure why but there are decisions that no one understands. Most of the time they try to do the bets for the people of Australia but some people just don’t have peoples best interests in mind, I would say that it depends on the person and their key interests.

I wouldn’t change anything about the way that laws are made. I believe that this works and is a fair procedure.