Political parties

Political parties have aims and beliefs that the hope to accomplish for the wellbeing of Australia and the people who reside in it. I have found the beliefs and aims of three of these parties.



• Universal healthcare • Improving healthcare • Supporting families • Affordable housing options • Reducing cost of living


• Better wages and conditions for workers • Represent working people • Get spending under control • Self-sustaining economy • Cheaper childcare



• Freedom to grow without taxes • Rights of individual • Conservatism • Promote free enterprise • No government interference in daily lives


• To not let refugees into Australia • Reduce tax • Freedom of thought, worship speech association • Uphold law • Reduce climate change



• Respecting value of life • Peacefull resolution of conflict • Reducing climate change for the future • A sustainable path with the environment • Ridding society of unjust practices


• Ecologically sustainable and socially just society • Improve quality of life despite financial status • Eradicate poverty • Remove the imbalance between rich and poor • Less harmful defense systems

The head and torso of a dinosaur skeleton;
          it has a large head with long sharp teeth